Current Issue

ANO X – NÚMERO XVIII - 1º SEM. 2024 - Estudos Contemporâneos
ANO X – NÚMERO XVIII -  1º SEM. 2024 - Estudos Contemporâneos

The CONSINTER International Law Journal is a periodic publication of periodic nature by CONSINTER – International Council for Contemporary Postgraduate Studies, which aims to constitute a demanding space for the dissemination of quality, innovative, and in-depth scientific production, characteristics that we consider essential for the good development of legal science at the international level.

Another characteristic of the works selected for the CONSINTER International Law Journal is the diversity of points of view and themes through which Law is analyzed. A journal that aims to be international must open horizons to the most diverse themes, approaches, and focuses and, through this space, collaborate with a better academic dialogue.

The result of careful selection work, this volume now presented, is aimed at all those who wish to think about Law, going beyond its everyday application, but without leaving aside the practical aspect so characteristic of the sciences.

Published: 2024-07-30

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