Power and Force in Times of Pandemic


  • Maria Celeste Cordeiro Leite dos Santos Professora livre-docente em Direito Penal pela USP. Doutora em Filosofia do Direito. Professora no programa de pós-graduação da PUC/SP. Professora da graduação em Direito da PUC/SP. https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1835-761X
  • Marilene Araujo Advogada. doutora em Filosofia do Direito pela PUC/SP. Mestra em Direito Constitucional pela PUC/SP. https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5611-3184




Power, Legal Power, Armed Forces, Domination, Symbolic Violence


Traditionally, force is a way to realize the Law, being necessary for the exercise of power, but not to justify it. What justifies it is consensus. This alternative allows us to see Power as a mix of strength and consent. The Law appears as the regulation of the exercise of force, based on consent. The origin of power is always an external force and superior to the power itself. Is from this source that legitimate power arises. Law is the organized force, an organization of force. Recently, the Brazilian population was surprised by the possibility of the use of armed forces by the executive branch, in a fragile interpretation of the federal constitutional text inserted in art. 142, which provides, in Chapter II, on “Armed Forces”, Title V: “From Defense of the State and Democratic Institutions. This article aims to analyze COVID-19’s political and legal circumstances in critical pandemic times. Is a hybrid method what was used: historical-systematic through interpretative analysis of documents and bibliography research combined with Aristotelian Topic, in the focus of zetetic investigation, open to constant questioning. Historical, not in the meaning of the history manifestation of power, but in the way it was conceived in time. Apropos, tradition has always taken power as a fact. That is why theories of power have always been normative theories, these theories were more concerned with the theoretical justification of obedience than with a general explanation of the phenomenon. As a result, it is stated in the constitutional, any of the constituted powers can take the initiative to request the use of the Armed Forces for the preservation of the State. In a state of emergency, as adopted measures cannot be dissociated of the control of the use of force.


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How to Cite

Santos, M. C. C. L. dos, & Araujo, M. (2022). Power and Force in Times of Pandemic. Revista Internacional Consinter De Direito, 8(15), 209–228. https://doi.org/10.19135/revista.consinter.00015.09



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