The theme 1.042 of Brazilian Supreme Federal Court (STF) and the possibility of linking customs clearance to the collection of tax difference
Theme n. 1.042, Legal certainty, PrecedentsAbstract
This paper examines the Brazilian Supreme Court's rulings on indirect tax collection, known as political sanction by employing hypothetico-deductive method and theoretical research. It highlights Supreme Federal Court's Summaries No. 70, 547, and 323, especially in relation to Theme 1.042. This study scrutinizes the Supreme Court's new thesis (Theme 1.042), which allows linking customs clearance to the collection of tax differences. Using bibliographic and documentary research, the study concludes that The Court's decision, particularly in under-invoicing cases, appears to blur the lines between Customs Law and Tax Law, raising concerns about legal certainty for importers and the potential revocation of previous Summaries that limited political sanctions, paving the way for unrestricted tax credit collection.
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