La Disposición Final Primera de la Ley 15/2015 de Jurisdicción Voluntaria


  • Inmaculada García Presas Profesora de Derecho. Universidad de A Coruña (España).



Marriage, deeply rooted, separation, divorce, notary, lawyer, solicitor, judge, Judicial secretary, tutor


The Final Provision One of Law 15/2015, of July 2, of Voluntary Jurisdiction brings significant changes in the Spanish Civil Code, both in marriage and guardianship.

These include the possibility of holding marriage at a notary or a court clerk and also the option to process the separation or divorce, if mutually agreed and there are no minor children not emancipated or modified capacity judicially dependent on their parents, at a notary or a court clerk. Moreover, following the Act, produce civil effects marriages solemnized according to religious rites of Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Orthodox and Buddhist faiths that are deeply rooted but not signed cooperation agreements with the state.

With regard to the age of marriage, Law 15/2015 eradicates the emancipation by marriage implying that the minimum age to contract is sixteen instead of fourteen.

In terms of guardianship, among the changes it introduces in the Spanish Civil Code the First Final Provision of Law 15/2015 highlights the allocation of more functions to the court clerk at the expense of the judge.


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How to Cite

Presas, I. G. (2016). La Disposición Final Primera de la Ley 15/2015 de Jurisdicción Voluntaria. Revista Internacional Consinter De Direito, 2(3), 423–447.