O Prosseguimento do Processo Penal para o Réu Revel Citado por Edital à Luz dos Princípios Constitucionais do Contraditório e da Ampla Defesa
Criminal proceedings, Suspension, Contradictory, Full defenseAbstract
The indefinite shutdown of the process could lead to imprescriptibility situations not provided for in the Constitution and, given the lack of legal provision, the Higher Court of Justice edited the Pronouncement 415 pacifying the understanding that the limitation period cannot be suspended for a period longer than the maximum limitation period set by the maximum of the imposed penalty. However, there is divergence in patriotic courts as to whether to continue not only the statute of limitations, but also the process even without the presence of the defendant. The aim pursued in the present study is to analyze the procedural situation of the defaulting defendant cited by public notice after the expiration of the tolling period and verify if it is possible, in the light of the constitutional principles of the contradictory and full defense, to resume the process continuation even if the defendant has not been located for personal quote. The method used is deductive. The research literature is of doctrinal and jurisprudential nature.
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