O Exercício da Democracia na Sociedade da Informação: Uma Análise do Exercício dos Direitos de Participação Política Através do Portal e-Democracia da Câmara dos Deputados Brasileira
Democracy, Information society, Digital Democracy, E-DemocracyAbstract
The information society brings with it new additions to democracy, since through information and communication technologies, especially the Internet, it is possible to increase popular participation in public politics and decisions. Among the mechanisms available to the exercise of democracy on the internet, the e-Democracy portal of the Brazilian Chamber of Deputies stands out as a tool that aims to bring the population closer to the Legislative debates. In this context, the following questions need to be analyzed: does political participation in the e-Democracy portal take place effectively? Have the contributions made by the population been considered by the Deputies in the political decisions and in the drafting of bills, being incorporated into the parliamentary routine? The freedom of interaction and the set of tools of the portal, such as forums, polls and chats, help to jointly build the knowledge spontaneously through the exchange of ideas and opinions. However, the number of contributions in e-Democracy shows that public participation could be more effective, since the interface and structure of the portal are easily accessible and do not present any major difficulties in relation to its use. However, through the debates and participation already existing, as well as because some contributions have been accepted by the parliamentarians, it can be affirmed that e-Democracy is a first step to be improved, since it has serious contributions and come from people Interested in contributing to Brazil’s policy. The deductive method was used, for purposes of approach, and monographic, for procedural purposes.
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