El Reflejo de los Contratos (Aparentemente) Simulados en Contabilidad: el Caso de las Operaciones con Partes Vinculadas
related parties, simulation, Law & AccountingAbstract
The aim of this paper is to review the valuation and representation of the simulated transactions in financial information provided by companies. Specifically, we have studied transactions with related parties because they are a good example of the priority of the substance over form principle. In fact, the accounting standard seems to understand that a simulation occurs when an operation is arranged with a related party forcing to report it, regardless of how it was agreed between the entities. The regulation existing in the Civil Code (CC hereinafter) considers that the simulation is based on the existence of a false cause that should lead to the nullity of the contract, unless it can be proven that it is based on another true and lawful cause (art. 1276 CC). If we consider surprising the previous difference between what is mandatory in the rules considered before, it is even more shocking the formula used to underline the substance over the form of every transaction. Actually, we are concerned about such an important issue is answered throughout queries pointed at the Institute of Accounting and Audit of Accounts. We think it does not seem the most suitable means. To conclude, it may be possible that this problem is analysed from a tax point of view instead an economic one.
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