La Conciliación De La Vida Personal, Familiar Y Laboral En La Administración Pública. Comparativa Con Las Medidas En La Empresa Privada




Woman, Man, Co-responsibility, Conciliation, Roles, Family, Work


The position of women in society has advanced exponentially in recent decades. The occupation of this in posts of special relevance within the company or its massive access to traditionally masculinized studies is a sample of this. Despite the arduous path that the female collective has been forced to travel, although, as we pointed out in previous lines, today it is more accessible, it continues to exist. For this reason, we consider that one of the issues that must be addressed today is the reconciliation of professional and family life where women continue to be affected by the traditional role that sees them as caregivers of the family. Although the public authorities through standards as well as other specific instruments pay attention to this issue, currently, their work seems not to be sufficient.

Starting from this situation, in the present study we will focus our interest on a specific group such as that constituted by workers at the service of public authorities. In this way, being aware that there are several types of employees that work for the Administrations, our intention will be to detect the differences in terms of reconciliation between them. In addition, we will also direct our attention in the different treatment that is granted, in comparison with public employees, to workers in private companies; In this sense, we will approach figures such as reductions in working hours, leave or leave. In another order of things, due to the limited extent of this study, we will dedicate a final section to succinctly discuss the various initiatives that address the issue from different spheres.


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How to Cite

Agulla, S. P. (2019). La Conciliación De La Vida Personal, Familiar Y Laboral En La Administración Pública. Comparativa Con Las Medidas En La Empresa Privada. Revista Internacional Consinter De Direito, 5(8), 437–457.