About the Journal

International Council for Contemporary Studies in Graduate Studies


The Revista Internacional CONSINTER de Direito emerged in 2015 from the need to publish and disseminate the scientific articles of the academic elite, such as Ibero-American professors and graduate students, with the aim of promoting effective instruments for the democratization of knowledge, interaction between peoples and the consolidation of development.


The mission of the CONSINTER International Law Journal is:

a) promote individual autonomy through knowledge and culture so that, in a constructive and integrative way, the individual can leverage his destiny and, consequently, of the society in general;

b)integrate scholars from different national and foreign Universities providing value growth in scientific production within the most diverse countries.

Such desideratum will be instrumentalized by periodic meetings, where participants will be able to interact with each other. Also, each one will have the opportunity of an oral presentation of their unprecedented scientific contribution, as well as disseminating their work via physical and digital publications, both in Europe and in Brazil.

In this way, CONSINTER intends to boost the democratization of knowledge, the interaction between peoples and the consolidation of development, since in its view, the sum of contributions from different legal cultures will allow the current limits imposed by geography, and the economy to be overcome, expanding much knowledge. In addition to that, it will favor individual reflections committed to the values and principles that guide contemporary civilization.


The CONSINTER International Law Journal is a Portuguese journal that publishes scientific articles every six months through double-blind review, guaranteeing its editions’ credibility.

Its reviewers are all PhDs from renowned Ibero-American institutions, which guarantees the high standard of the evaluations issued, ensuring ethics in the publication of scientific articles.

The agreement of all parties involved in the entire submission and publication procedure of the articles received is essential (Management, members of the Editorial Board, authors, evaluators, and the editor) regarding the standards of ethical behavior.

We value the principles of the declaration of ethics and good practices in publication, based on the San Francisco Declaration on Research Evaluation (https://sfdora.org/read/read-the-declaration-portugues-brasileiro/).

Responsibilities of the Editor

The Editor provides practical support to the execution coordinators, guaranteeing the autonomy of editorial decisions, protecting intellectual property and copyright, and thus ensuring that good publication practices are maintained.

Responsibilities of the Magazine Directors

The Directors are responsible for selecting the articles that will be published in the semester in question, as well as guiding the execution coordination in the procedures for receiving and evaluating the papers.

Responsibility of the Execution Coordination

Responsible for receiving the article, checking for plagiarism, sending it for evaluation, and approving the article for publication when all the requirements guided by the publication rules are fulfilled so that they are strictly in compliance.

They guide the authors in case of adjustments in the articles, as well as clarify all the doubts of the authors and the reviewers.

Keep Board members and reviewers updated, send out the opinion statement issuing, when applicable, as well as:

  • ensure that assessments are made blind;
  • provide an adequate selection of evaluators;
  • establish a schedule for:
  • article submission;
  • article evaluation;
  • plagiarism check;
  • article review;
  • reply to the author.

Responsibilities of the Authors in the submission/publication of their article

Authors must guarantee that their research work is original and unpublished, that is, not published elsewhere/website/journal.

Furthermore, they must ensure that any work or words from other authors, collaborators, or sources have been appropriately accredited and referenced in their article.

In addition, authors should ensure that their article presents an objective discussion of its meaning, noting that the data underlying the investigation must be accurately represented in the report.

We point out that fraudulent or intentionally inaccurate statements constitute unacceptable behavior.

Authors who submit their articles to CONSINTER confirm that they constitute their contributions, having not been copied or plagiarized from other papers, in whole or in part, without the respective source being clearly cited, since CONSINTER considers plagiarism to be a behavior unethical and unacceptable.

In this way, the article’s authorship must be limited to those who effectively participated in its conception; therefore, all those who contributed must have their names listed.

Responsibilities of Reviewers/Evaluators

The evaluation of scientific articles is carried out using the double-blind review system, which contributes to the article’s improvement, when applicable, supporting the Board’s decisions regarding the article’s publication.

The evaluator should not consider articles with conflicts of interest resulting from competitive/collaborative relationships/links, or even when they do not feel able or comfortable to analyze it, and they may decline their responsibility. This way, the article will be sent to another evaluator who will also do a blind assessment.

All articles sent for evaluation are considered confidential documents; therefore, all information is kept in absolute secrecy.

The opinions will be issued taking into account the content of the articles, they must be structured objectively, and the observations must be presented clearly and based on arguments that support them.


To overcome physical barriers, CONSINTER – International Council for Contemporary Studies in Graduate Studies offers free access to the content published in the CONSINTER International Law Journal, following the principle of making scientific knowledge available free of charge, promoting its exchange.

Access https://revistaconsinter.com/index.php/ojs/issue/archive and get free full access to more than 300 articles published by CONSINTER in previous editions.


CONSINTER uses the Open Journal Systems Platform – OJS, a software that aims to streamline the editorial management process and electronic publication of its official works.

It is a tool that assists in the management of journal publications, automating the entire editorial process, making more efficient and transparent the maintenance of records such as article submission, communication with authors, peer and anonymized review, as well as the publication of approved articles, giving the journal greater credibility within the scientific community.


a) The scientific articles shall be analyzed by the CONSINTER Body of Opinion, formed only by renowned specially invited Ph.D. jurists and Post-Doctorates, national and foreign;

b) Scientific papers shall be evaluated by the double-blind review system, in which two CONSINTER Partners will assess the works without any authorship identification;

c) The innominate assessment of the scientific articles guarantees the impartiality of his/her judgment, decreases subjectivity and ideological preferences;

d) In case of divergence between the evaluators, the scientific article shall be submitted to a third Reviewer so that the divergence can be resolved;

e) CONSINTER’s Partners shall use the evaluation criteria indicated below to evaluate the submitted scientific article, and will measure them considering the following variables: Inappropriate, Regular, Good, Great, and Excellent:

  • Is the article appropriate to the scope and focus of the CONSINTER Journal?
  • Does the title of the paper represent the smallest summary of its content?
  • Does the summary describe the objective, theoretical framework, and methods, main results, and conclusions used?
  • Text structuring
  • Graphs, tables, charts
  • Objective
  • Theoretical framework
  • Methodology/methodological procedures
  • Results/Discussion
  • Final considerations or Conclusion
  • Merit
  • Is the topic current?
  • Is the work original?
  • Does the article effectively contribute to the advancement of knowledge?

f) Articles may receive one of the following evaluation results:

  • Accepted for publication without restrictions.
  • Accepted for publication under conditions, with mandatory corrections.
  • With mandatory corrections.
  • Declined.

g) The evaluation process usually takes 7 to 10 months.


The CONSINTER International Law Journal is published every six months, the first being published until July 31 and the second until December 31 of each year.


The CONSINTER International Law Journal is freely available in its entirety, as well as the individual articles on Google Books.



Originality of the Article: It is up to the author to ensure that this is an unpublished scientific article.

Originality: the authors are fully responsible for the content (legality and authorship) of the article and guarantee its authenticity, being civilly and criminally responsible for any comments and/or opinions they may make and which may characterize infringement of the rights of third parties, press legislation, the Consumer Protection Code or any other law in force, in addition to being responsible for the content made available in the publication or any other material made, including, but not limited to, plagiarism and the integrity of the information contained therein.

NOTE. The authors’ opinions in this work do not necessarily represent the understanding and comprehension of CONSINTER, of Juruá Editora Ltda, or of Editorial Juruá Lda, its Reviewers Board or members of the Editorial Board.

Authorship of the Article: The scientific article must include the names of all those who made a significant contribution to the conception, project, execution, or interpretation of the reported study, and the copyright form must be completed and signed by all authors together with the paper.

Publishing decision: It shall be at the discretion of the Organizing Committee the designation and the number of the Journal or CONSINTER book in which the evaluated and approved article shall be released for publication, according to the Publication Guidelines and observing the qualification techniques rules.

Equality between Participants: The submitted manuscripts shall also be received without regard to race, sex, sexual orientation, religious belief, ethnic origin, nationality, or political philosophy of the authors, substantiated by the blind evaluation policy.

Confidentiality: Concerning the principle of impersonality, the opinions issued by the CONSINTER Editorial Board are confidential.


Qualification of Referees: Scientific articles shall be analyzed by the CONSINTER Body of Opinion, formed exclusively by specially invited, national and foreign jurists, PhDs, and post-doctorates.

Scientific Articles evaluation system: Scientific papers shall be evaluated by the double-blind review system, in which two CONSINTER Referees will evaluate the works without any authorship identification. The innominate assessment of the scientific articles guarantees the impartiality of his/her judgment, decreases subjectivity and ideological preferences.

Also, in case of opinions divergence and/or if discordant views are found, at the best suggestion of the board of directors, the text may be submitted to a third Referee appreciation.

Standards of objectivity: Opinions must be conducted objectively. The referees must express their points of view clearly and supported by arguments.


Our articles are peer-reviewed to ensure the quality of the scientific publication.

This journal uses the Plagius Detector plagiarism verification system.

NOTE. Despite CONSINTER’s care and zeal policy, submitting all published articles to plagiarism verification, the authorship, legality, and authenticity of the paper is the sole responsibility of the authors.

The editorial team selects articles for publication anonymously, just as reviewers receive unidentified articles for evaluation.

Furthermore, the entire screening process, such as: receipt, evaluation and approval of articles, is carried out autonomously and independently, without interference from the Editor, which is responsible for publishing the approved/selected articles.


As a non-profit institution, CONSINTER has its publication costs subsidized through resources from registration fees and by participating authors, as well as any supporters who wish to link their name to events sponsored by CONSINTER.

In this way, CONSINTER has variable fees for charging registration/article submission.

It is also noted that CONSINTER has some supporting institutions, which grant a discount on the registration/submission of their associates/members/students/professors, the discount percentage will be granted on the amount charged in the current month of registration.


For universalization and free sharing of knowledge, CONSINTER Journal is indexed under the Creative Commons 4.0 License

This is a human-readable summary of (and not a substitute for) the license. Exoneração de Responsabilidade.

You have the right to:

Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format

Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material

The licensor cannot revoke these rights as long as you abide by the license terms.

According to the following terms:

Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You must do so under any reasonable circumstances but in no way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.

NonCommercial — You may not use the material for commercial purposes.

ShareAlike — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original.

Without Additional Restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license allows.


You are not required to comply with the license terms concerning elements of the material in the public domain or whose use is permitted by an applicable exception or limitation.

No guarantees are given. The license may not give you all the necessary authorizations for your intended use. For example, other rights, such as image, privacy, or moral rights, may limit material use.

Of a very personal nature, they are inalienable, non-transferable, irrevocable, property and exclusive use for the author under the terms of 22 and 27 articles of the Brazilian Copyright Law number 9610/98.

Art. 22. The moral and patrimonial rights over the work he created belongs to the author.

Art. 27. The moral rights of the author are inalienable and inalienable.


The scientific article sent for evaluation must necessarily be accompanied by the term of authorization for publication – Patrimonial Rights’s assignment – according to the attached model and/or available on the website, in which the author(s) in a tight summary, agree(s) with the following terms:

  1. a) The ideas and concepts expressed in the submitted article are the sole responsibility of the author(s) who guarantee and are responsible for their legality, authorship, and authenticity.
  2. b) Assign the patrimonial rights for publication by the International Council for Contemporary Studies in Postgraduate Studies, by yourself or by third parties.
  3. c) Attest that the article is your authorship and responsibility and that it does not infringe any intellectual property rights of third parties.
  4. d) Authorize CONSINTER and Editora Juruá, at any time, in part or in whole, definitively, with or without commercial purposes, in the best way they judge, publishing the same in case of approval by the Editorial Board, in the work “Revista Internacional CONSINTER de Direito” – Book – “Direito e Justiça”, or in any other work, in printed and/or digital format, including a mini-book, if deemed feasible, as well as through the publication or availability of the respective texts on the world wide web.
  5. e) The authorization / assignment of property rights is free of charge, without payment of royalties by Juruá Editora and/or Editorial Juruá Lda. and/or CONSINTER, aware that there is no renumbering, payment or compensation, not even in copies of the book object of the authorization for publication, due to its disclosure or commercialization.

Thus, copyrights are not to be confused with and are distinct from economic rights since the patrimonial rights may be transferred to third parties.


The Revista Internacional CONSINTER de Direito is indexed in national and international databases such as: EBSCO, Google Scholar, Scielo Portugal, Dialnet, Latindex, Sumários.org, Redib, CiteFactor, Tribunal Superior Eleitoral, RVBI, Diadorim, Miar, MIGUILIN and member of the CROSSREF.