The Position Of The Supreme Court Relating To The Protection Of The Fundamental Rights Of The Corporate Criminal Liability In The Criminal Proceedings
Tribunal Supremo, Derechos Fundamentales de la Persona Jurídica, Supreme Court, The Fundamental Rights of the Corporate Criminal LiabilityResumo
La comunicación, tiene como idea central, comentar las Sentencias de la Sala de lo Penal del Tribunal Supremo, en relación a cómo se articula la responsabilidad penal de la persona jurídica con la de los integrantes de la entidad que hayan podido cometer el delito.
Para ello se analizan diversos derechos fundamentales que se han estudiado en dichas sentencias con el fin de comprobar si a la persona jurídica se le ampara con los mismos derechos que la persona física.
En especial, estudiaremos si en el procedimiento penal se garantiza el Derecho Fundamental de Defensa, contenido en la Constitución Española, a la persona jurídica de la misma manera que a la persona física.
The main idea behind this communication is to comment the Judgments of The Criminal Chamber of the Spanish Supreme Court, relating to how corporate criminal liability interacts with the criminal liability of the individuals within the company who may have committed a criminal offence.
Several fundamental rights that have been studied in these sentences are analyzed in order to verify whether the corporate liability is protected by the same rights as the natural person.
In particular, we will study whether the Fundamental Defense Law, contained in the Spanish Constitution, is guaranteed to the corporate liability in the criminal procedure in the same way as to the natural person.
ROSO CAÑADILLAS, R., Prevention: social and criminal responsibility of legal persons. In General Review of Criminal Law 33 (2020). Iustel Editorial.
Spanish Constitution, State Official Newsletter, No. 311, of 12/29/1978.
Organic Law 10/1995, November 23, of the Criminal Code, Spanish Criminal Code, State Official Newsletter,No. 281, of 11/24/1995.
Royal Decree, September 14, 1882 approving the Law of Criminal Procedure, State Official Newsletter, No. 260, of 09/17/1882.
Organic Law 5/2010, June 22, amending the Organic Law 10/1995, November 23, of the Criminal Code, State Official Newsletter, No. 152, of June 23, 2010, pages 54811 to 54883.
Organic Law 1/2015, March 30, amending the Organic Law 10/1995, November 23, of the Criminal Code, State Official Newsletter, No. 77, de 03/31/2015.
Organic Law 37/2011, October 10, procedural expediting measures, State Official Newsletter, No. 245, October 11 of 2011, pages 106726 to 106744
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