Performance Evaluation of the Judicial Circuits of Mexico 2007-2010


  • René Palacios Garita Lawyer (BUAP), Economist (UIA), Master of Economic Analysis of Law (UCM-IUIOG) and PhD in Political Science, Administration and International Relations. (UCM). He is currently a student at the Faculty of Law at the UCM.



performance evaluation, results based budgeting, judicial circuits, administrative reform, quality of justice, development of institutions, judicial systems, economic analysis of law, demand and supply


The main objective of this document is to analyze empirically the effects of the introduction of the Results Based Budgeting (RBB) reform, specifically in the performance of the judicial circuits as part of the Judiciary of the Federation of Mexico and determine whether this administrative reform influences the demand, supply and quality of the Council of the Federal Judicature.


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How to Cite

Garita, R. P. (2021). Performance Evaluation of the Judicial Circuits of Mexico 2007-2010. Revista Internacional Consinter De Direito, 7(12), 229–250.