Legal scenario of virtual sports in Brazil
E-Sports, Regulation, Gaming industry, Digital economyAbstract
The study aims to investigate the legal-business context of digital games (e-sports), their structuring and professionalization. The problem lies in understanding the legal implications and current scenario involving sporting activity, the content and sufficiency of the legislation that seeks to standardize the sector in Brazil and its implications. To do so, it uses the logical deductive method, combined with precedents from bibliographic and documentary research. As its main contribution, the study finds that virtual games are a true sporting practice and, therefore, should be recognized. However, the absence of sufficient specialized legislation to regulate the legal aspects arising from the practice creates legal uncertainty and hinders the development of the sector. As a main contribution, it is concluded that there is a need for a more robust and homogeneous legal environment that favors the development of digital sports in the country. Market growth indicates a new era of economic opportunities, requiring policies that encourage innovation, competitiveness and digital inclusion, while ensuring a fair and regulated environment for all stakeholders involved.
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