The voluntary guardian of the unaccompanied foreign minor. A role model for member states
Voluntary guardian, minor's rights, unaccompanied foreign minors, guardian training, social integration, linguistic intermediationAbstract
The aim of this article is the analysis of the innovative legal figure of the voluntary guardian and its relevance in the protection of unaccompanied foreign minors in whose regulation the Italian Law n. 47/2017 has been a pioneer in the European Union. Our hypothesis is that the figure of the voluntary guardian, by acting as legal representative and spokesperson for the interests of unaccompanied alien children (UC) who are in Italy, is ideal to increase the possibilities of regularization and social integration of these minors, as well after reaching the age of majority, although the figure of the voluntary guardian has aspects that could be improved. To test this hypothesis, we have used a methodology to analyze the regulation of the guardianship of minors in the EU and in Italian legislation, as well as the fit in this regulation of the figure of the voluntary guardian of Law 47/2017, also considering the jurisprudence and the role of other public institutions involved in its implementation. The results show that voluntary guardian it is a very positive experience that could be exported to Spain and other European countries, which contributes to social insertion. We conclude that voluntary guardian it is an effective guarantee for the protection of minors, their rights and their regular status also upon reaching the age of majority, but that it could be improved with the participation of other agents involved in the minor protection system, surpassing among others, the limits imposed by the law itself in budgetary terms.
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