Is the Implementation of Distance Learning in Law Graduation a Necessity, Innovation or Retrogression?


  • João Cesar de Oliveira Rocha Filho Mestrando em Soluções Alternativas de Controvérsias Empresariais pela Escola Paulista de Direito. Graduado e Pós-Graduado em Direito Processual Civil e Direito e Processo do Trabalho pela Faculdade de Direito de Itu. Advogado.
  • João Maurício Adeodato Professor Colaborador da Escola Paulista de Direito, ex-professor titular da Faculdade de Direito do Recife, livre-docente da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de São Paulo e pesquisador 1-A do CNPq.



Legal studies, Distance learning, Pedagogy, Need for modernization, Evaluation


Distance learning is increasingly present into the juridical education in our country and can be used as a tool to include the society into the superior education. Preparatory courses to juridical careers and post-graduation are offered in big scale on the internet and even by traditional institutions and experienced teachers, but the implementation of the distance learning into the law graduation is still seen as a precarious act, even more in this area of knowledge that claims for constant actualization. Law graduation is ministered the same way as in many years and has never suffered influence of the distance learning, there is no currently legal obstacle about it’s implementation and no evaluative method that proves the supposed inefficiency. The COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 forced the use of this method as the only one available during the public health calamity, where the social isolation was being recommended. Considering that the Public Power must encourage the development and disclosure the distance learning as a social including way and the national juridic education, even classroom, needed an pedagogical update, the questions about the current moment of use of the distance learning at Law courses would or would not bring a bigger inclusion from the students and a pedagogical evolution able to benefit the students and give them an opportunity to update themselves. By this deductive method, analyzing the current legislation, the students performance in classroom courses at the Brazilian Bar Association together with the study of indoctrinators in Pedagogy, the article intends to address the current situation of the juridical study at Brazilian universities, the efficiency of the current method and the possibility of transformation or incorporation of the distance learning as methodology, analyzing the potential benefits to the university juridical education.


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How to Cite

Rocha Filho, J. C. de O., & Adeodato, J. M. (2022). Is the Implementation of Distance Learning in Law Graduation a Necessity, Innovation or Retrogression?. Revista Internacional Consinter De Direito, 8(15), 153–171.



Direitos Difusos, Coletivos e Individuais Homogêneos