Justice, peace, and fraternity in the family nucleus





justice, Peace, Fraternity, Family Nucleus


The objectives of this academic article are: a) Reflect critically on the meaning and importance of the values of justice, peace and fraternity in the family, from a moral and legal perspective. b) Disseminate the legal norms that protect the members of the family unit against domestic violence. The hypothesis of this article maintains that: “The lack of knowledge, respect and practice of the values ​​of justice, peace and fraternity, fundamental bases of the Constitutional State of Law, has generated and continues to generate serious situations of social violence and specifically family violence. The article using a descriptive and theoretical methodology of the situation; observation of reality, review of legal texts, and bibliography for the formulation of good behaviors to follow; The results achieved are proposals for good practices to contribute to solving the problem. The article has no scientific pretensions; It is an essay that seeks to approach reality and provide simple and applicable answers for all citizens to the prevention and solution of the issue of family violence.


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Author Biography

Edgardo Torres López, Universidad Católica de Santa Maria

Juez Provisional de la Corte Suprema de Perú, desde enero de 2024. Sala Civil Permanente.


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How to Cite

López, E. T. (2024). Justice, peace, and fraternity in the family nucleus. Revista Internacional Consinter De Direito, 10(19), 763–778. https://doi.org/10.19135/revista.consinter.00019.36