Searching of the lost agrarian tribunal. A not liquidated debt
Agrarian Procedural Law, agrarian special jurisdiction, agrarian jurisdictional organs, agrarian judges, specialized agrarian court, agrarian tribunals, earth tribunalsAbstract
The present work is framed in the Agrarian Procedural Law. The installation and consolidation of an agrarian special jurisdiction in several countries of the area, constitutes one of the achievements of the Agrarian Law in Latin American area. The work intended as objective to demonstrate the necessity of the creation of an agrarian special jurisdiction in Cuba and to such effects to rescue the proposal contained in the Article 54 of the Law of Agrarian Reformation of 1959 of creating earth tribunals. The hypothesis affirms that diverse social, economic, political and juridical reasons exist that argue the necessity to recapture the proposal emanated in the referred article of this Law. As methods the analysis and the synthesis, the comparative juridical study and the analysis juridical exegetic of the norms have been used, starting from that which offers a systematic exposition of the group of economic, political, social and juridical reasons that base the necessity and feasibility of the installation of agrarian jurisdictional organs in Cuba, being insisted in the imperative of the rescue of the promise assumed well in the Law of Agrarian Reformation of 1959, in their variant of agrarian judges or agrarian specialized courts or of agrarian tribunals.
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