Sustainable world: the role of social actors
Sustainability, ESG, social actors, decent work, unionsAbstract
The objective of the research is to reflect on how the actions of social actors, especially countries, companies and unions, have the ability to act in a sustainable way, as well as generate positive impacts on society, promoting global well-being, preserving the planet for generations future, contributing to global progress and respect for the dignity of the human person, in all its nuances. The justification and relevance of the topic lies in the global scenario of environmental degradation and disrespect for the human person as a holder of rights. Through the use of the exploratory method, based on bibliographical research and the current legal system, the research results highlighted the need for these social actors to come together, to act in a coordinated and joint manner, as only then will it be possible to implement the effectively sustainable world and guarantees the preservation of the human species.
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