The cognition of virtual subordination and the binomium of flexibility/control of virtual platforms
Labor Law, Virtual Platforms, Employment relationship, Regulation, Flexibilization of normsAbstract
Labor Law produce legal certainty in labor relations, however, in the subject in question, there isn’t yet a concrete rule regarding labor relations in the context of virtual subordination. In this sense, the following question arises: Considering the normative absence of the matter of workers by applications, how to solve the consequences of a possible precarious work and potential violation of international human rights? Based on this assumption, the research intends to investigate the cognition of algorithmic subordination, and how such an attempt can solve the obstacles of the classic model of subordination. The method of approach used is systemic and as for the procedures adopted, they are historical, structuralist and typological, comprising the classic model of the employment relationship as a paradigm of the new structuring. The interpretive method is the systematic one, to understand the guidelines of the system. Furthermore, the research is supported by bibliographic sources. As a result, it is understood that the absence of a rule that affects the so-called "application workers" only corroborates the possibility of precarious work, however, changing this reality is also up to the Legislative Power, with the proposal of projects of law related to the subject, not necessarily framing the relationships in the employment type, but establishing a minimum protective standard. At the national and international level, maintaining a non-regulated and precarious reality violates the constitutional principle of the dignity of the human person and breaks with the international treaty on decent work in Convention 189 of the ILO.
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