The private pension as a pillar of social security




Private Pensions, Social Security, World Bank, Multipillar System, Longevity Economy, Sustainability


The study promotes the analysis of the role of private pensions in the social security system guided by the principle of universality, based on the model proposed by the World Bank, in 1994, through the Report “Aventing the Old Age Crisis”, based on the multi-pillar system, which intertwines the public and the private to offer social protection in old age. The aim of this study is to analyze the effectiveness and timeliness of the multi-pillar system, considering the sustainability of social security protection systems and the social changes imposed by the need to establish a sustainable economy. For this, the vision of the multi-pillar system is updated, from its proposal, analyzing the characteristics of supplementary pension, its reach and what are the means for its coverage to be intensified. It appears that the multi-pillar system is essential for social protection, and its original model must be constantly reassessed by the countries, making adjustments that manage its adherence to social needs.


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Author Biography

Ana Paula Oriola de Raeffray, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo

Doutora e mestre em Direito pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo – PUC/SP. Membro e Diretora Científica da Academia Brasileira de Direito da Seguridade Social – ABDSS. Vice-Presidente do Instituto Brasileiro de Previdência Complementar e Saúde Suplementar – IPCOM. Membro Titular da Câmara de Recursos da Previdência Complementar - CRPC


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How to Cite

Raeffray, A. P. O. de. (2024). The private pension as a pillar of social security. Revista Internacional Consinter De Direito, 10(18), 699–712.