Illiteracy: a reality in inequality in Brazil regarding dignity (Human Rights)
Illiteracy, Dignity, Development, Human Rights, LanguageAbstract
In the introduction there is a presentation of some current phenomena, which are globalization and COVID-19, and their consequences for the economy, among them, the lockdown, in which many Brazilians returned to the hunger map, from before the implementation of social programs (Bolsa Família). However, social inequality still remains. The general objective is to demonstrate that the benefits derived from the Brazilian economy have not been achieved for most Brazilians. The specific objective is the lack of access to education for the less privileged social classes. And within this is the hypothesis that it is essential to overcome illiteracy to achieve human dignity (visceral attribute or of greater value). This is a multidisciplinary subject, so the path or method is the deductive one, being complemented by the methodological procedures of application of analytical readings of bibliographic data, highlighting in the set of law the importance of language and norms for life in society, with presentation of human rights, notably UDHR, moving towards the concepts of person and dignity, this being of greater value to the human person, to address the question of education. Then, there were some adversities in relation to basic education, evidencing the problem of illiteracy. Finally, as results achieved, illiteracy is a perverse indicator of the failure of education, influencing and being influenced, reciprocally and negatively, by the concepts of dignity, inequality and development, seeking to show that the cause of the problems of social inequality and illiteracy is not in the lack of economic growth but in the lack of development.
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