The european parliament´s concern to achieve a strengthening of democracy and european institutions
institutions, European Union, European Parliament, violation of European Law, integrity, values, principlesAbstract
This article aims to study and analyse the European struggle for democracy as a supranational organisation. The request to review the transparency of European institutions comes from the European Parliament, following the investigations, arrests and news of the Qatargate affair, as the political and economic pressures related to the 2022 World Cup are currently known. In this vein, it will address the implications of the European Parliament's new resolution, dated 16 February 2023, which provides for new tools aimed at increasing the integrity of the European institutions.
The hypothesis to be followed will be that corruption and the violation of European values by the institutions causes citizens to disengage from the European Union. In order to refute this hypothesis, an explanatory research has been carried out, using a quantitative methodology, with the aim of reaching a general idea of the social reality.
On the basis of all that has been analysed, it has been possible to confirm that citizens' trust in institutions is diminished when cases of corruption and/or violation of rights increase.
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