Diálogos entre a Hermenêutica Filosófica e o Neoconstitucionalismo: Entre Arbítrios e Correções
Post-II World War constitutionalism is characterized by a deep recognition of the normative force of constitutions, remodeling the role of state institutions. In Europe, this transformation in constitutional law reflected in what became known as neoconstitucionalist movement, which, among other things, changed the role of the judiciary, from the admission discretionary elements in judicial decisions. In this context, this article aims to demonstrate the democratic contradiction in the acceptance of discretion in the judiciary acting. Thus, the proposal aims to move away from neoconstitucionalist theses, including as a democratic requirement to build a theory of judicial decision. Therefore, it is made a resumption of the debate between natural law and positivism, so that it can be demonstrated the relationship between the neoconstitutionalist proposal and legal positivism, especially with regard to decision-making parameters.
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