O Sistema Nacional de Informações de Defesa do Consumidor – Sindec como Fonte de Informações para o Aprimoramento das Políticas Públicas de Consumo no Brasil
SINDEC, Open Government, Public Policy, ConsumerAbstract
The National System of Consumer Protection Information registers and publishes under standardized way the statistics on complaints and demands of the Brazilian consumer market. This database is an important public policy mechanism inserted in dados.gov.br platform as one of the accession consequences of the Brazil to international initiative known as Open Government. Through SINDEC bulletins of the past four years, the statistics on the development and implementation of new legislation for protection and consumer protection will be reviewed, and it is an important mechanism of transparency and evaluation of this national public policy. The challenge for SINDEC is to continuously improve so as to satisfy the evolution of new legislations, the requirements, and the proper dynamicity of the consumer market. The paper shows through the results which are priority demands on PROCONs, demonstrating that the gratuity of service and ease of access of this information instigate the constant search for greater effectiveness of the provisions inserted in the Federal Constitution and the Consumer Protection Code. The benefits of transparency and greater publicity to records and government services are highlighted. Finally, the analysis of statistical data from SINDEC shows the challenge and the reach of the services of PROCONs and reflect the commitment of those who stubbornly pursue the continuous improvement of public policy.
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