Sociedades Limitadas e Livre-Iniciativa: Concretização dos Ditames da Constituição Federal de 1988
Law Effectiveness, Law and Economics, Constitutional Law, Humanist Capitalism, Limited Liability Companies, Freedom, Free EnterpriseAbstract
This study has the objective of analysing how the principles of the company’s asset autonomy and the subsidiarity of the partners responsability for the social obligations must be understood as aspects of the effectivity of the constitucional principle of free enterprise, so that it is possible to verify how its fulfillment and protection may occur under the 1988 Constitution. Aiming to gather the constitutional wording with the socioeconomic brazilian reality, it was chosen to study the asset separation under the scope of the limited liability companies, as they are the most common enterprises in Brazil, and also one of the most accessible structures to the general entrepeneur, as a way to allow the conclusions of this study to be applied to a greater number of situations. Therefore, in this paper we will begin with the analysis of the conjuncture from which the enterpreneurial societies where derived, as historically connected to the English Industrial Revolution, from the critic point of view of Alysson Leandro Mascaro and Vicente Bagnoli, and later complemented by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which would bind the vision of the two political poles in the Cold War. Following that, we bring the free enterprise as a fundamental constitutional comandment connected to the Human Rights, as interpreted by the Humanist Capitalism Doctrine. In this framework of theoretical references we aim, finally, to demonstrate that the asset autonomy of the limited liability companies must be broad, allowing that the use of techniques like the disregard of the legal entity must be pondered against the innate Human Rights connected to the free enterprise, which, lastly, organize the material means necessary for the people’s emancipation and the promotion of their liberties.
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