Max Weber y su Crítica al Capitalismo Racionalizado – la Pleonexía como un Mal del Capitalismo Empresarial Moderno
Max Weber, capitalism, rationalism, company, rights, humanityAbstract
Modern capitalism is not a product of spontaneous generation or an accidental situation. Modern capitalism is the result of a whole historical process where, especially nowadays, premeditated calculation has gained special relevance as well as a desire of earning more and more, too many times, at the cost of sacrificing rights, respects and considerations towards others and towards everything else. The insatiable appetite for material things and profit is, precisely, what is platonically identified as pleonexia. In this work I reveal this situation from the reflections of Max Weber, who already warned us, in his works, what has been implying, for his time, the development of capitalism, and today it results, his analysis, more accurate and applicable to our reality.
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