Ejercicio y Tutela del Derecho de Información en las Sociedades de Capital Españolas





right to information, corporate enterprises, general meeting, challenging of decisions, limits


The right to information recognizes to the partners the possibility of request reports or clarification that they deem necessary in connection with items on the agenda. The exercise of that right, as other rights, can’t be abusive, objective and subjectively, and must be on good faith. The right of information is not absolute, it is submitted to some limits, sometimes, directors can deny the information, except the requested information is upheld by shareholders representing at least some percentages of share capital. The causes that allow deny the information are: a) information be deemed unnecessary for the recognition of the partner’s rights b) there be objective reasons to consider that it may be used for reasons detrimental to the company’s best interests c) where publication of the same may prejudice the company or associated companies. After the Law 31/2014 (that amends the Corporate Enterprises Act to improve the Corporate Governance), the partner doesn’t be legally capacitated to challenge the corporate agreements affected because of a breach of the right to information. The protection of the right is managed by demanding the compliance with the obligation to information and any damages and loss that it could cause.


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How to Cite

Barceló, J. M. (2018). Ejercicio y Tutela del Derecho de Información en las Sociedades de Capital Españolas. Revista Internacional Consinter De Direito, 4(7), 343–358. https://doi.org/10.19135/revista.consinter.0007.20