Conflictos Fundamentales en Materia de Custodia Compartida: Contribución de los Progenitores al Sostenimiento de los Hijos y Atribución de la Vivienda Familiar
Divorce, shared custody, Best interest of the child, family home, alimonyAbstract
Law 15/2005, of July 8, introduced in our civil law the regime of shared custody in order to avoid that, after the breakup of the couple, the children cease to have a fluid relationship with their parents. Shared custody affects in an important way in the economic pronouncements of the sentences, mainly those concerning the alimony and the attribution of the use of the family home. Given that there is a silence of the legislator in this regard, it has been essential the jurisprudence of the Supreme Court for profiling, playing and adapting the law to the regime of shared custody.
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