A Internacionalização Do Direito E O Regionalismos Jurídico: A Pessoa Humana Na Amazônia – O Caboco
Constitutional Law, Amazon, Amazonian Law, Subject of Law, CabocoAbstract
The theme “The Internationalization of Law and Legal Regionalism: The Human Person in the Amazon – The Caboco” was developed according to the new constitutionalism in the line of Peter Häberle in his works “Constitutional Hermeneutics” and “Theory of the Constitution as Science of Culture”, within the scope of legal regionalism with the purpose of demonstrating the social, cultural and juridical importance of the Caboco as a subject of law in the Amazon, emphasizing the human person fruit of the Indian’s miscegenation with the Portuguese conquistador. Analysis of the Brazilian Constitution, especially constitutional pluralism, infra-constitutional legislation and international treaties was necessary to better understand this peculiar legal figure, aiming at its protection and strengthening in the struggle of new rights, in the face of the internationalization of law in contemporary times, however unnecessary constitutional reform to guarantee and protect the rights of the people.
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