Licenciamento Ambiental Brasileiro E A Reedificação De Lugares Como Brumadinho


  • Luiz Carlos Figueira de Melo Doutor pela Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Docente da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia – Programa de Mestrado da Faculdade de Direito. Procurador Municipal de Uberlândia aposentado.
  • Fernanda Alves Vieira Especialista em Direito Ambiental pela Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba. Advogada.



Licensing, Environment, Mining, Brumadinho, Technology


This article has as a fulcrum the invitation for new readings on the current Brazilian environmental licensing institute, mainly in mining activity, having as a case study the tragedy of Brumadinho. Firstly, we sought to analyze the environmental licensing in Brazilian law, highlighting the historical evolution of the legislative framework. Then, environmental licenses for the mining sector were analyzed, with citations of diagnostics and forecasts of other dams belonging to the mining company Vale SA Another point emphasized by this work was the search for solutions in the efficiency of time management for the concession of licensing, without system flexibility and with an increase in the rigor of the licensing process. In addition, some propositional topics in the conclusion were presented as application of the best technology available; history of the mining company’s staff for criminal accountability and reduction of legal deadlines for the migration of alternative technologies, in order to prevent further dam breaks.


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How to Cite

Melo, L. C. F. de, & Vieira, F. A. (2019). Licenciamento Ambiental Brasileiro E A Reedificação De Lugares Como Brumadinho. Revista Internacional Consinter De Direito, 5(9), 177–196.



Direitos Difusos, Coletivos e Individuais Homogêneos