Economía Informal, Inseguridad Laboral y Trabajo Decente




Informal work, underground economy, job insecurity, fundamental rights, social inclusion


The transition to formal employment is an essential challenge for a complex world dominated by a high degree of uncertainty and insecurity. Informality gives rise to labor and social problems and is an extremely broad and highly technical issue, which refers to situations of different dimensions and which is projected onto different national realities. Labor informality affects all labor relations systems and is constantly changing and transforming. All these variables will be analyzed in the following pages, taking as a reference the situation of the problem from an international dimension of the phenomenon. The main international standards that prevent the development of informal work will be analyzed, as well as the policies and practices aimed at its eradication.


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How to Cite

Ahumada, J. E. L. (2020). Economía Informal, Inseguridad Laboral y Trabajo Decente. Revista Internacional Consinter De Direito, 6(11), 285–303.