El Acoso Escolar Desde la Perspectiva Procesal


  • Nancy Carina Vernengo Pellejero Profesora asociada de Derecho procesal de la Universitat de Barcelona. Investigadora del Observatorio de los Sistemas Europeos de Previsión Social Complementaria. Investigadora del REDCID. Abogada https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5107-6457




Bullying, Criminal liability and compensation, Trial, Evidence


Bullying still represents one of the main problems that our young people have to face today. In fact, and although an attempt is being made to provide the Administration, at all levels, with enough items to fight against it, we know frequent cases of flagrant violence, which make us questioning whether the measures being adopted are good enough. The purpose of this study is to analyze bullying from an eminently procedural perspective, but without ignoring other essential things to understand this phenomena. To achieve our objective, we will not only approach the regulation of the criminal process of minors and its possible consequences; but we’ll also pay attention at all those elements of psychology that can help us reveal the possible origin of these situations and their consequences on the victims.


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How to Cite

Pellejero, N. C. V. (2020). El Acoso Escolar Desde la Perspectiva Procesal. Revista Internacional Consinter De Direito, 6(11), 217–236. https://doi.org/10.19135/revista.consinter.00011.09

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